Spencer & Lynn

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Riesling is a Mood

Springtime and white wine season is upon us!

Our winery feature for May focuses on Kruger-Rumpf; a family run operation in Germany that recently got their organic certification in 2019. The Nahe region they are located in was not recognized until 1971 as its own unique territory. The region runs along the river Nahe and has over 10,000 acres under vine.

Kruger-Rumpf is located in the town of Bingen am Rhein and unsurprisingly specialize in Riesling. Over 70% of what they grow is Riesling, with Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc, Chardonnay, and Sauvignon Blanc. Their style, which is just hitting its stride, is that of balance. (I realize every month I mention balance, It's not just because I like typing the word!). A German Winery is judged on their ability to make riesling with no sugar, known as Gross Gewachs (Top Tier for all German wines). This is not to say that making a beautiful riesling with loads of sugar is easier, but the point of pride for winemaking in Germany is a dry style. (Side Note: There are some world class regions in the wine world known for their sweet wine, but dry takes precedence for most.) First wine I tasted from Kruger-Rumpf was their Spatburgunder (Pinot Noir) Rose from 2019. Fresh raspberries, honeydew and some refreshing acid made me finish the bottle in approximately 20 minutes. No regrets because everything I have tried from them since has been fantastic. Surprise Surprise, everything that follows is Riesling talk.

Riesling has long been a favorite of wine retailers, sommeliers and restaurants for its adaptability, refreshing minerality, and insanely diverse styles. So in other words everyone in the wine world has at some point been obsessed with Riesling. That passion and love for Riesling does not mean that we sell a lot of Riesling. The largest consumer of Riesling at our stores is probably myself. There are a multitude of reasons for this; complicated labels, higher residual sugar on many wines and also a lack of understanding what the consumer liked. Reason for us to carry Rieslings that are so approachable and fun that they are hard to not love. Enter Kruger Rumpf who make wines of precision and beauty, coupled with aromatic bright fruit and you have a winner.

To say I have gone off-track here is an understatement, but also normal. Lets circle back here to the point of this. Riesling is a damn mood all on it's own. As spring blooms around us, sit outside and enjoy a glass of Riesling. Breathe it in.

We currently carry the below wines from Kruger-Rumpf:
(our wine club members might be getting a bottle in this month's pickup… hint)

  • Kruger-Rumpf Pinot Noir Rose 2020

  • Kruger-Rumpf Estate Riesling 2019

  • Kruger-Rumpf "Scheurebe" Riesling Spätlese 2018

  • Kruger-Rumpf "Im Pitterberg" Riesling 2019

— David