S&L Articles


These articles have been written by the S&L team. They are featured in our email newsletter and are collected here, for your reference at any time.


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Commanderie de Peyrassol is our winery focus for June. Summer in New England normally coincides with the arrival of fresh Rosé vintages from Europe. Rosé can vary in style, varietal, and sweetness. The heart and soul of rosé wines lies in Provence. It is easy to forget that before rosé wines' massive rise in popularity Provence was known for much more. Provencal food & culture also dominate in Southern France and have been adopted in many establishments here in New England. 

Dry Provence Rosé is a style that has now been adopted in many wine regions the world over. This style is known for that bright pink hue, refreshing minerality, and bright red fruit. Peyrassol is a property that exemplifies Provencal living and a longstanding winemaking tradition. For the 2019 vintage we currently carry the Chateau Peyrassol, Cuvee De Commanderie, and La Croix des Templiers. 

The Estate itself has 93 Hectares of vineyards thankfully cooled by winds off the Medittaranean Sea. The Vineyards are set out on terraces at an elevation of up to 330 metres, the vines benefit from an ideal temperature range between daytime and night, ensuring an ideal ripening of the fruit. Varietals grown on the estate: Cinsault, Grenache, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon,Tibouren, Merlot Mourvèdre, Carignan Sémillon, Sauvignon, Clairette, Viognier and Muscat. 

If you have never tried a rosé, red, or white from the estate then you are missing out on a classic. 

"Standing above the village of Flassans-sur-Isole, in the heart of the hills of the Var, the Commanderie de Peyrassol was founded in the 13th century by the Knights Templar. This great expanse of fertile soil was a popular staging post and a place of rest for large numbers of pilgrims setting off for the Holy Land."
